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Obesity Surgery Laparoscopic Article
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Where Can You Go For Obesity Help?
When it comes to resources for obesity hep, there are literally hundreds of places to go.
Many of these resources offer high-quality, professional experience for those who realize that being obese is unhealthy. But as with all medical conditions and health risks, no one should commit to a life-changing program without the advice of a trusted doctor or without the support of family and friends.
When an individual decides that it is time to seek obesity help, perhaps the first step should be learning as much about obesity and its causes as possible.
With any major step such as this, the informed consumer has a definite advantage. Some very basic information might be a good place to start.
How much fat a person carries on their body is generally determined by how much fat is eaten in the food or how much of the food we eat converts to fat.
For example, animals eat carbohydrates and this is easily converted to fat. When this process results in an amount of fat that is beyond what doctors consider average, it may be time for obesity help.
Factors that may cause someone to be obese include not only diet, but also lack of exercise, family environment and genetics. Individuals who work with experienced medical professionals and other experts may be able to determine if one or more of these factors play a key role in causing that person to be obese.
In addition, the individual should understand body mass index (BMI) and how that number is used to determine whether a person is overweight or obese. Guidelines developed over the past 20 years have helped us understand what amounts of body fat are excessive and what amounts can contribute to life-threatening situations.
The types of obesity help available range from rather simple diet and exercise plans to bariatric surgery that changes the person’s digestive process.
There are dozens of obesity help resources that will work with an individual to determine if there is a need for increased exercise, changes in diet or even weight-loss surgery.
Some of these resources may be able to help a person make major changes in eating habits and activities through discussion forums, consultations with medical professionals or by providing information in print or online.
If a specially designed diet or exercise plan is not sufficient for an obese individual, obesity help may have to come in a more “permanent” way. Surgical choices include: restrictive surgery that limits food intake; malabsorptive procedures that isolate the small intestine from the digestive tract; and a combination of the two types.
Medical professionals are now advising against malabsorptive operations due to the risk of severe nutrition deficiencies. Candidates for surgery include those who have a BMI of 40 or more, or a BMI of 35 to 40 and a health risk such as type 2 diabetes or severe sleep apnea.
Obesity help comes in many forms. Choosing the right one for you is the important first step.
Obesity Surgery Laparoscopic News