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Weight Loss Supplements for Women – A Special Category
The dizzying subject of weight loss supplements for women can be more than a headache for the woman on the street. Improper use of weight loss supplements for women or the use of supplements that are not correct for a person's situation can lead to serious health complications.
That's why most reputable suppliers and nearly every health professional recommend talking with your doctor before starting to use weight loss supplements for women.
In addition, every individual concerned with weight loss should gather plenty of information about this subject before choosing a supplement of any kind.
One place to start looking for help with weight loss supplements for women is the Federal Trade Commission "Report on Weight-Loss Advertising: An Analysis of Current Trends."
The report states that false or misleading claims, such as exaggerated weight loss without diet or exercise, are widespread in ads for weight-loss products, and appear to have increased over the last decade.
Experts at major medical clinics note that the appeal of losing weight fast with over-the-counter weight-loss pills is often hard to pass up. But do these products work? What makes products the right choice as weight loss supplements for women?
Reports from nationally-recognized medical clinics and from the federal government show that women gain weight because of poor diet, heredity or home environment. Then they want to be able to shed pounds quickly, using weight loss supplements for women.
While this may be a fine goal, in theory, it generally doesn't lead to a healthy lifestyle. Experts are warning us that major changes in eating habits and physical activity are necessary for us to regain our original figures.
There are literally millions of sources for information or products in the area of weight loss supplements for women. A survey in 1998 found that only 7 percent of adults used OTC weight-loss supplements, but the greatest use was noted among young obese women (28 percent).
However, retail sales of weight-loss supplements were estimated to be more than $1.3 billion in 2001, representing a 127 percent increase.
As the American Academy of Family Physicians notes in a recent report, "These supplements appeal to the desire for a magic bullet that is less demanding than special diets and increased physical activity. They are available without a prescription and often advertise remarkable benefits.
Patients also may be attracted to them because they are marketed as natural, which may be interpreted by some (albeit inaccurately) as an assurance of safety and efficacy."
In fact, one study of weight loss supplements for women by the Weight Management Center looked at 15 general ingredients, including caffeine, kelp, green tea and St. John's wort.
The rating system was A (best results) to D (no scientific evidence that ingredient can help people lose weight). None of the 15 items received a rating above C (evidence is weak).
Tennessee Weight Loss Dietary Supplements News